So often I wish I’d had law school or psychology training to better understand the complexities of the times. IF he were 6 and on the long-ago “Kids Say The Darndest Things” show, we’d have laughed. If he were a comedian - who were the ones who mangled language? - we’d laugh. He’s neither. That no one questions with even the great facilitator practice of “Tell me more” spoken inquisitively, he might rebuke them, saying he has “threads” of ideas that all come together. He doesn’t have threads nor is he challenged. Is there an age difference in those not digging deeper? Is the word from broadcast chiefs to not ask which appears to the mangler as challenges fear of being “drawn and quartered”?

Those who listen and comply in advance [one of the better descriptors] with their silence - be they media or any person on the street - thinking anything at all? Have we lost all critical thinking ability? Not we who read and consider; others who don’t.

The only reason to watch a broadcast of the Inauguration is to hear and watch if he, on the stage, signs EOs to release J6 fellow felons, start raids of immigrants’ homes, takes away more rights from DC, and, on MLK Day, abolishes it. We’ve decided to start “West Wing” rewatching instead.

Thank you for this & all you write.

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Not gonna lie – not gonna watch. No intention of obeying in advance.

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PS…I’m being perfectly imperfect BUT should accused be in place of abused or were u seeing if we are awake? U R the only subscription I pay for as over the past decade - YOU are consistent and brave…THANK YOU!!! Plus many other thingies🌴💙

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SUPER - sane washing term is NEW to me -Thank You…I refound Post-Truth from 2016…keep on going on…YOU are appreciated!!!

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FTR, if that really were WMD's* MoCA test (and of course it's not), he would have scored in the 10-17 range, an indication of moderate cognitive impairment. I have no doubt whatsoever, that his actual test was improperly administered, incorrectly scored, and will never be released.

I guarantee that Ronny Johnson was not certified to administer the MoCA.

And I also guarantee that Tangerine Palpatine would not have passed the MoCA if it were administered by a MoCA certified tester and accurately scored.

But the media is shallow and opportunistic, and illiterate, uneducated, low-information voters don't care about accuracy.

We do. The rebellion is real.

(*weapon of mass distraction)

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