Many of my patients are homeless. Some are mentally ill, some struggle with addiction, some are challenged by both. But every man, woman, and child who falls into my care is still human, and still worthy of my full attention and best care. Unfortunately, there are also those who resist help, resist care, and fight against any offer of assistance or a hand up. When this happens it makes me sad and frustrated, but at the very core of my practice is the belief in patient autonomy. No matter whether I support their decisions, I support their right to make those decisions. I just hold on to the hope that someday I will be the right person in the right place and the right time to finally help. You can only do what you can only do.

"59% of Americans are Just One Paycheck Away from Homelessness. Homelessness is a complex issue that often goes unspoken. The gap between making it and homelessness is shrinking, even in Silicon Valley, one of the richest areas in the country." (MuindiFoundation.org, Apr 19, 2024)

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Wow, what a beautiful, well-worded comment, Dr Nurse, as usual. Thank you for what you do to help the homeless, even when they resist your help. 🙏❤️🥹

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I’m always moved by your journey. You’re such an inspiration 💖

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It was painful to click the heart to like this. It means appreciate what you wrote, your life and experiences and willingness to call out from experience the absurdity of more from this billionaire. I’ve not been homeless. I’ve been fortunate to have a roof over my head. As I age and rely on social security, I don’t know for how long I will have this privilege of a roof & walls.

How can so many be so ignorant - willfully ignorant - about the realities of the lives of others? How insulated purposefully. This is far worse than Bush Sr not knowing the price of food, or Oz & crudités.

These are not the people who should have say.

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